White Buffalo Calf Woman sings from the heart of Buffalo Sister Jane Fonda
*White Buffalo Calf Woman sings from the heart of Buffalo Sister Jane Fonda*
*Take hold my heart is overfilled. Take hold because I got to be bold. If
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Constant Looking Glass Shines Like Diamonds in the Ruff, Warrior True Like the Blue!
Diamonds in the ruff (warrior true), come shine to the test and make our hearts delight and I will be no fright. Come and hold my hand and I will understand, and when you come to be, the mighty ocean breeze you will see your way and I will be the say, of knowing which is blue (reflection of you, my relative true), the shining of you.
Come truth and be the test, come darkness the place I rest, come take my hand for you, and we will be inside the blue. Come home my hand today, and I will show the way and I can be the test, that you need to be your best, come shine today! Come ride the wave and we can see the shining sea, the white in you, the shine in me, and stars are born in divinity.
Days are open to pass the waves of longing in the stars of days, and I can be the one you need, the Wonder Land for all the seas (blue or relatives in the breeze, the song of the wind). Come today and play away. Come and be the magic ways. Come and be the shining star and you will walk away with mire! The mire of all the days of past, the mire of the ways that last and I can show you out of there, if you just hold my hand and stare.
See the shining lights, see the wave of night, see the darkness bright and I will be there in the breeze show me how to pass the test and I will be there with the best. And I will hold your hand today, because we are in demanding ways! Shine like the sea, shine like the night, shine like the stars that shine in my heart! Come hold my hand and understand. Come hold my hand and we will man the ship that sails a thousand seas and we will sail eternally.
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Heart Song of Wonder of the Land, Constant Looking Glass
Wonder of the World, Your Constant Looking Glass
Aimee the Beloved will hold your hand,
while sending the arrow into the heart.
Hark, what do I see but Angels falling down on their knees.
It's you, she says, look it's you!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Heart Seas!
My heart it bleeds as I remember who I am to you
to now be true
for years I fought to be my voice
always seeming no other choice
Then other voices around me demand
to be the things of mainstream man
afraid and wanting everyone's love
I would shut my mouth
and hide my pearl
as a clam forgotten
laid waste to toxic laden seas
How a heart will bleed! A heart will bleed!
Now today I stand
without looking back
knowing that before that distant land
is a world of knowing a better plan
Going back is death
to my inner stealth and the pearl now exposed to grow in wealth
Yesterday is gone
today a new day
let what they all had to say
fade away
Who needs their approval anyway
I have my relatives that are here to stay
All my life I waited
and prayed through and through
for the spiritual family
who could sing my tune (Of communion and love)
and hold my pearl to their heart wake~full
Now the fun here has just begun
when we look at our glare
and see heart of one
whether pain or joy
we can sing together
and choose to dance in a circle forever.
May the dream begin here with us
that we hear one another in heart
and open to trust
not only the other
but our heart seeds
To plant and flourish gardens of color
(and may the pearl of beauty wax and wean)
"Sung by Aimee Wonder Land, the Pearl who really understands, and she is our Constant Looking Glass to fill us up when we are last. There inside of your heart sow pure, the heart of magic that fills the air, and when you are downtrodden from the seas, she says, look up and see the leaves (relatives who come home in the breeze)!" says, White Buffalo Calf Woman
Wonder of the World, Your Constant Looking Glass
Aimee the Beloved will hold your hand,
while sending the arrow into the heart.
Hark, what do I see but Angels falling down on their knees.
It's you, she says, look it's you!

to now be true
for years I fought to be my voice
always seeming no other choice
Then other voices around me demand
to be the things of mainstream man
afraid and wanting everyone's love
I would shut my mouth
and hide my pearl
as a clam forgotten
laid waste to toxic laden seas
How a heart will bleed! A heart will bleed!
Now today I stand
without looking back
knowing that before that distant land
is a world of knowing a better plan
Going back is death
to my inner stealth and the pearl now exposed to grow in wealth
Yesterday is gone
today a new day
let what they all had to say
fade away
Who needs their approval anyway
I have my relatives that are here to stay
All my life I waited
and prayed through and through
for the spiritual family
who could sing my tune (Of communion and love)
and hold my pearl to their heart wake~full
Now the fun here has just begun
when we look at our glare
and see heart of one
whether pain or joy
we can sing together
and choose to dance in a circle forever.
May the dream begin here with us
that we hear one another in heart
and open to trust
not only the other
but our heart seeds
To plant and flourish gardens of color
(and may the pearl of beauty wax and wean)
"Sung by Aimee Wonder Land, the Pearl who really understands, and she is our Constant Looking Glass to fill us up when we are last. There inside of your heart sow pure, the heart of magic that fills the air, and when you are downtrodden from the seas, she says, look up and see the leaves (relatives who come home in the breeze)!" says, White Buffalo Calf Woman
Wonder of the World, Your Constant Looking Glass
Aimee the Beloved will hold your hand,
while sending the arrow into the heart.
Hark, what do I see but Angels falling down on their knees.
It's you, she says, look it's you!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Hold My Hand and Understand, Wake Up to Be the Land
Many times I love the world and many times they don't see the world. And I know where to go from here, but they don't know which door to go. I can be the light for them and I can be, the place without sin. And when they come to my door, I will be ready to open more.
Hold my hand and understand, wake up to be the land. The place of rolling hills we need, the place Great Mother comes to bleed (law of love). And I will be the heart of me, and I will be the heart of you and when we walk in divinity, my place will be here with thee.
Now when you walk to and fro and when you go, to the know! And my heart will gift you all you know, but it will be not like you think so. But I will hold you in my arms, and I will hold you from all harm. And when you go, inside of me, there we will be strong for thee.
There inside of many hearts to be, the seeker that seeks in me. And I will hold your hand today, to make it stand and go away. But if you don't look inside of thee, about if you don't look out for me! Then you will not understand, for we must always make a stand.
And many days, will long to be, and many ways, will make us free. But if you don't choose sacredness then I will hold you when you miss. And we can be the heart of thee, and we can be divinity, when you walk upon the land, and we walk hand in hand.
There inside of all this sin, the place God sent heavenly men to choose the way of love again. And I will be here to win again. Don't you see the way of love? Don't you look from up above because your heart doesn't know me, the heart of loving and purity.
Take a stand and make it right, make a hand and be delight. And protect the children from all plight and we can be the loving light. And my heart speaks to you in the wind, and my heart speaks of everything! And I know you will lead the way, when you choose love over sinning today.
Heart Song of Wonder of the World, your Constant Looking Glass
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother

Hold my hand and understand, wake up to be the land. The place of rolling hills we need, the place Great Mother comes to bleed (law of love). And I will be the heart of me, and I will be the heart of you and when we walk in divinity, my place will be here with thee.
Now when you walk to and fro and when you go, to the know! And my heart will gift you all you know, but it will be not like you think so. But I will hold you in my arms, and I will hold you from all harm. And when you go, inside of me, there we will be strong for thee.
There inside of many hearts to be, the seeker that seeks in me. And I will hold your hand today, to make it stand and go away. But if you don't look inside of thee, about if you don't look out for me! Then you will not understand, for we must always make a stand.
And many days, will long to be, and many ways, will make us free. But if you don't choose sacredness then I will hold you when you miss. And we can be the heart of thee, and we can be divinity, when you walk upon the land, and we walk hand in hand.
There inside of all this sin, the place God sent heavenly men to choose the way of love again. And I will be here to win again. Don't you see the way of love? Don't you look from up above because your heart doesn't know me, the heart of loving and purity.
Take a stand and make it right, make a hand and be delight. And protect the children from all plight and we can be the loving light. And my heart speaks to you in the wind, and my heart speaks of everything! And I know you will lead the way, when you choose love over sinning today.
Heart Song of Wonder of the World, your Constant Looking Glass
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother
Wonder of the World, Your Constant Looking Glass
Aimee the Beloved will hold your hand,
while sending the arrow into the heart.
Hark, what do I see but Angels falling down on their knees.
It's you, she says, look it's you!
Forgiveness is Simply a Matter of Laughing About It

When I was pregnant with Kindred a very profound thing happened that taught me a great lesson about seeing the humor in life and seeing things from a lighter perspective even when it seems all is gloom and doom:
After Kindred was conceived Kindred's father displayed behaviors that were intrusive to my peace of mind that could bring me down at the snap of a finger, even after doing much blessing to keep peace alive in our home and hearts. One particular day, I do not remember what harsh words were spoken(thank God) but I became distraught and completely drained over it. As I often did when I would enter this mental Hell realm, I went to the Neeem Karoli Ba Ba temple to meditate and let go /forgive. As I sat in Ba Ba's powerful private room meditating, I was suffering over my own suffering over and over in my head. As I watched the reels of my mind spinning over the events that took place, I prayed with all my might for release from the torment I could not shake on my own. As I sat in silence, I suddenly felt stirring in my womb and felt all of this energy shoot from there out of my crown chakra. I suddenly realized that Kindred's spirit was leaving my body and flying up into the ethereal planes. As I saw this, I immediately saw here riding on a White Chinese Crane in the starry heavens. Then within a second of this flash came laughter and exclaiming "Isn't Daddy funny! Just laugh about it Mommy! Daddy is so funny!" Then more laughter ; the same that now often swells up in her being when she wants to lighten me up! Soon I was laughing too, and the entire event was forgotten...and "Zooommm!" The little Angel Sprite landed back into my womb. It has taken me a couple of years to integrate my daughter's teaching but with much time spent being willing to learn from her presence her Ma Ma is starting to lighten up! In these times it is so important to stay on the lighter side. People are going to need that kind of support from us when times are grueling! JOY TO THE WORLD!!!!!!! P.S. I painted a picture of the vision and will post it on: http://whitebuffalocalfwoman.
Love to you all and Joy to your hearts and souls!!!!
- At 3:06am on October 2, 2009, White Buffalo Calf Woman said… So much to do and so much to say, how do we ever stay away! Our hearts have only one wish to command, it's to allow us to dance. For we are here to love the new, the heart of gloom and even doom, but then we recover to sea the best, the heart of the sacred nest! Welcome home to you! The Rainbow is in Bloom!
Aimee Constant Looking Glass on October 5, 2009 at 12:00am
- Commentary on this comment: Now is the time to allow yourself to feel what is in your heart, both the joy and the pain before the fire comes to purify. There will come a time when we will no longer be able to run and hide from the pain we see, feel and witness everyday. Take hold of your heart and cover it with your hands of beauty. When it seems you will be consumed in the fire, know that it is not you but just a process of quickening and you will make it through. Harness every corner of your will and focus it on your right to peace and life. Endure and persevere. When you think "I can't make it through this pain, I will die, lose myself be crushed to dust and rust in plight"...REMEMBER to pray and speak to that frightened child within with love and encouragement...telling that little precious one over and over again; "There is a rainbow at the end of this tunnel and I will make it through, I will have peace! These feelings, this picture of insanity will not last forever, love is within my heart and shall prevail within me no matter what! No matter what! AHO!" God's will be done in every one of our lives Aho! And know you are loved! I love you all and I yearn to sing, dance and play with each one of you from that place of innocence we have always known and that has always been with us. This inner child becomes more alive and we stand in our integrity when we allow our pain to rise to the surface and release. So it is done! May we flourish and blossom into oneness!!!! Beauty all around you~Love and light within you! All my love, You Constant Looking Glass ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Blessings! Aimee Sitayin Constant Looking Glass
Wonder of the World, Your Constant Looking Glass
Aimee the Beloved will hold your hand,
while sending the arrow into the heart.
Hark, what do I see but Angels falling down on their knees. It's you, she says, look it's you!
Indigo is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the soul body, multi-colored each of us have. We can all fly, when we dream. The Indigo person is often a prophet and great teacher who lives with visions and conflict. Most of us do not live our lives like this. Indigo represents our Soul body.
Crystal is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the Physical Body, a powerful and loving being who gifts. The Crystal person is reader of the book of life, the sacred four directions, who speaks directly with God and interprets the absolute truth. Crystal represents our Physical body.
Rainbow Clan is the sacred multi-colored auras. Embracing and attaining spiritual knowledge of the eternal ages, these are the skills we aspire towards in the dawning. We are the reflection of this kinsmenship as our blue oceans and sky which provide us with all that life offers in Unity!
Crystal is the perfect six sided crystalline structure of the Physical Body, a powerful and loving being who gifts. The Crystal person is reader of the book of life, the sacred four directions, who speaks directly with God and interprets the absolute truth. Crystal represents our Physical body.
Rainbow Clan is the sacred multi-colored auras. Embracing and attaining spiritual knowledge of the eternal ages, these are the skills we aspire towards in the dawning. We are the reflection of this kinsmenship as our blue oceans and sky which provide us with all that life offers in Unity!
Reply by White Buffalo Calf Woman on October 4, 2009 at 8:04pm
- Constant Looking Glass, our Indigo Prophet The wonder of the world has come to sea, the longing of your heart's breeze and I bet to the Lord who comes down to view, the sacred looking glass for you! Look and see the heart of yee, and you will find a glory be and when you have finished looking at yee, you will find perfection inside of thee. We are Oneness and belong to thine, the glory of all of Mankind! Visit her Blog http://ConstantLookingGlass.blogspot.com and hear her heart song at http://sacredsongblessings.blogspot.com/2009/10/aimee-wonder-of-world-your-constant.htmlPray With Elders around the World Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer
Sunday, October 4, 2009
When You Look into the Looking Glass, there is Wonder that Fills the Air!
The wonder of the world has come to sea, the longing of your heart's breeze and I bet to the Lord who comes down to view, the sacred looking glass for you! Look and see the heart of yee, and you will find a glory be and when you have finished looking at yee, you will find perfection inside of thee. We are Oneness and belong to thine, the glory of all of Mankind!
Here the House of Beloved knows the world, who comes inside of what is heard, and now she is too coming home, the "Looking Glass" who gifts the word. See inside of your heart and yell, that's me and I can tell, there is so much to learn, that I could really learn. But if you come home to the House of God, the beloved children who know fall, then you will learn the sacred rainbow, the heart of you, the heart of me.
We are oneness, the promise land, the sacred rainbow makes the land, and as we ponder on what we sea, the heart of glory be. There inside the looking glass, the greatest maketh that comes at last, now only if you could see the loving perfect company. We are here one hand to hand, and when we choose the loving hand, not the one who says love is grand, but the one who chooses to make a stand.
And we are here to be loved indeed, however if you don't look and see, the arrow of reflection teaches thee, that you are great indeed. Now as you ponder on what was said, remember you look inside your head, not the looking glass that be, but the one who looks and seas. The heart knows what is right and wrong, but we do not make a stand, and if we could only make this stand, to be a Warrior upon the land.
Mother Earth needs you sow and plant the seeds of love that grow. And when we are done gifting life itself, then we will be beholden to her indeed. Come and take my world around, come and make the world go round, and when you choose to be a part of magic in the wonder land, then you will be the heart you were meant to be, and then you will be the greatest you could be. Now let us go for that magical ride, to find the heart of all who need.
This is white buffalo calf woman, speaking of the Looking Glass, the heart of greatness is inside of thee, when you look inside of the Looking Glass. We each have a part to play in this world, and Aimee the Wonder World, has an arrow of love to thee, holding justice and opportunity. Gift more and more to others inside of time, then you will make it throughout the land, but if you don't heed the Greatest Teacher, the prophet will make a judgment to keep in hand. Do you want to be this way, the other door that always says nay. I beseech you to make it right, choose love of self and make it all right!
Sung to the world who looks in the glass the reflection that always lasts and lasts, you cannot fool the self, when you see the truth, why not believe in goodness pure!

Here the House of Beloved knows the world, who comes inside of what is heard, and now she is too coming home, the "Looking Glass" who gifts the word. See inside of your heart and yell, that's me and I can tell, there is so much to learn, that I could really learn. But if you come home to the House of God, the beloved children who know fall, then you will learn the sacred rainbow, the heart of you, the heart of me.
We are oneness, the promise land, the sacred rainbow makes the land, and as we ponder on what we sea, the heart of glory be. There inside the looking glass, the greatest maketh that comes at last, now only if you could see the loving perfect company. We are here one hand to hand, and when we choose the loving hand, not the one who says love is grand, but the one who chooses to make a stand.
And we are here to be loved indeed, however if you don't look and see, the arrow of reflection teaches thee, that you are great indeed. Now as you ponder on what was said, remember you look inside your head, not the looking glass that be, but the one who looks and seas. The heart knows what is right and wrong, but we do not make a stand, and if we could only make this stand, to be a Warrior upon the land.
Mother Earth needs you sow and plant the seeds of love that grow. And when we are done gifting life itself, then we will be beholden to her indeed. Come and take my world around, come and make the world go round, and when you choose to be a part of magic in the wonder land, then you will be the heart you were meant to be, and then you will be the greatest you could be. Now let us go for that magical ride, to find the heart of all who need.
This is white buffalo calf woman, speaking of the Looking Glass, the heart of greatness is inside of thee, when you look inside of the Looking Glass. We each have a part to play in this world, and Aimee the Wonder World, has an arrow of love to thee, holding justice and opportunity. Gift more and more to others inside of time, then you will make it throughout the land, but if you don't heed the Greatest Teacher, the prophet will make a judgment to keep in hand. Do you want to be this way, the other door that always says nay. I beseech you to make it right, choose love of self and make it all right!
Sung to the world who looks in the glass the reflection that always lasts and lasts, you cannot fool the self, when you see the truth, why not believe in goodness pure!
Constant Looking Glass Twin Deer Mother's Heart Sings for Aimee Wonder of the World, your "Constant Looking Glass", House of the Beloved, Indigo Warrior, Prophet and Great Teacher "When You Can See the Truth". Aimee is derived from amee (beloved), which is from the root aimer (to love)

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, House of the Beloved, the Star of David, Elder Christal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter

The wonder of the world has come to sea, the longing of your heart's breeze and I bet to the Lord who comes down to view, the sacred looking glass for you! Look and see the heart of yee, and you will find a glory be and when you have finished looking at yee, you will find perfection inside of thee. We are Oneness and belong to thine, the glory of all of Mankind!
Source: sacredsongblessings.blogspot.com
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, House of the Beloved, the Star of David, Elder Christal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreterHeart Song for Aimee Wonder of the World, your Constant Looking Glass, House of the Beloved, Indigo Warrior, Prophet and Great Teacher
Pray With Elders around the World
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